12 Nov Plastic Free Travel
When travelling, it can be easy (and convenient) to purchase plastic water bottles from fast-food restaurants, convenience stores, and other places along the way, without even thinking about it.
But – plastic waste is a real problem. It’s estimated that 500 billion water bottles are used around the world every year, and only a small percentage of these are recycled. What’s even worse, the toxicity of plastic waste can produce many harmful effects and stays in our ecosystems for hundreds of years.
So how can we do our part to reduce plastic waste while traveling?
One easy way: Reusable water bottles and travel mugs! Save money and reduce your plastic use by bringing your favorite travel mugs and bottles from home.
Don’t own one yet? Purchase one at your travel destination!
This not only supports your destination and prevents plastic waste but leaves you with a cool souvenir to take wherever you may go.
Words: Hannah Bromm